
Self Care Retreat for Parents

This is also new and aligning with our theme for 2017-18.  We are creating an event that will focus on parents and their well-being at the Water’s Edge Eco Lodge on Greig Lake.   This can be what you make it.  All day on Saturday are sessions of yoga that you can sign up for as well as some incredible meals.  You can book the night accommodations by contacting the Water’s Edge directly (first come, first serve basis) with breakfast being included in that price.  Accommodation costs will be the responsibility of the parents but all activity costs and meals (excl. Sunday breakfast) will be covered by PACE.  PACE will also reimburse up to $100 of your childcare expenses should you incur any for your stay.

Book at the Eco Lodge by calling 306-240-7900.  Just tell them you are booking for PACE.  You can sign up for the desired yoga classes at that time or do so by the 19th.  Enjoy and do it to take care of yourself so you can take care of others in your family!

Self Care Yoga for Parents

As part of our theme for 2017-18, Self Care Yoga with Erin Martin is a great way to slow down your everyday life and breathe.  Whether you are a yoga guru or a newbie, you are welcome. PACE will be sponsoring one session a month for at least 6 months.  These sessions are held at CrossFit Meadow Lake gym right next to the movie theatre.  You can bring your own mat or one will provided for you.  Don’t for get your water bottle and flexible clothing!

Mom’s Night

This month’s Mom’s Night is hosted by Bluesette Campbell.  This month we will be meeting at the Parkland Hotel’s Steak Pit.  Come have a nice meal together ($20) and relax.  We will be meeting at 5:30 and eating shortly thereafter.

Self Care Yoga for Parents

As part of our theme for 2017-18, Self Care Yoga with Erin Martin is a great way to slow down your everyday life and breathe.  Whether you are a yoga guru or a newbie, you are welcome. PACE will be sponsoring one session a month for at least 6 months.  These sessions are held at CrossFit Meadow Lake gym right next to the movie theatre.  You can bring your own mat or one will provided for you.  Don’t for get your water bottle and flexible clothing!

Self Care Yoga for Parents

As part of our theme for 2017-18, Self Care Yoga with Erin Martin is a great way to slow down your everyday life and breathe.  Whether you are a yoga guru or a newbie, you are welcome. PACE will be sponsoring one session a month for at least 6 months.  These sessions are held at CrossFit Meadow Lake gym right next to the movie theatre.  You can bring your own mat or one will provided for you.  Don’t for get your water bottle and flexible clothing!

Dr. Gordon Porter – Director of Inclusion Canada

Dr. Porter has been invited by PACE to speak to families about how to best communicate with administration and teachers in the education system to achieve the best possible learning environment for our children.  Take hold of his inspirational message of why Education needs our children to be a fully inclusive environment for all students and teachers.  Hear his research-based findings and you are sure to feel ready to take on a new school year with optimism and confidence! Plus, it’s a free supper!

Darci Lang – Community Motivational Speaker

Darci Lang enlightens us by showing how to focus on the 90%.  PACE is sponsoring her to first speak to families over a potluck supper and give us the encouragement we need to keep doing a good job with our children, through thick and thin.  We will then open up the CHS theatre for a larger community event to spread the word that community needs our children to be complete.  How can we fire up Meadow Lake to be enthused to have community members of all shapes, sizes and abilities to participate in making it a great place to live and raise a family?  We will begin the conversation with Darci, so come join us!

Campfire Grief Discussion

At our last monthly board meeting, we began a great discussion about the significance of processing grief on a regular basis.  Not the grief of losing a loved one, but the grief associated with the loss of certain expectations of raising a child with exceptionalities.  Join PACE moms as they delve into the topic in greater detail and learn from each other’s experience.  Hosted by Carmen.  Contact Bluesette Campbell at or 306-240-8044 for details.

Making Sense of the Madness – Jeff Noble

Ready for some new ideas?  Come hear Jeff Noble, our community speaker, talk about his knowledge and experience with FASD and other secondary diagnoses.  PACE has partnered with other organizations in order to bring you a dynamic speaker to shed some light on understanding the unique children.