
Annual General Meeting

This is where it all happens…

Actually, this meeting, as important as it is, generally is very to-the-point and is our formal way of approving our financial statements for the year, appointing an auditor and electing any executive positions that are necessary.  A general summary is given of our activities, subcommittees and programs and an annual theme is decided to help guide our activities for the year.  Please join us at the Meadow Lake Hospital, upstairs in the conference rooms at 5:30 PM on Feb 16th.

Annual General Meeting

This is where it all happens…

Actually, this meeting, as important as it is, generally is very to-the-point and is our formal way of approving our financial statements for the year and appointing an auditor.  A general summary is given of our activities, subcommittees and programs.  Please join us at the Meadow Lake Hospital, upstairs in the conference rooms at 5:30 PM on Jan 18th.